제13과 전화

Conversation 1 스티브 씨 좀 바꿔 주세요.

Conversational Settings/Theme

Conversation  Acts




Phone conversation

Telephone opening

Asking about someone's health

Telephone closing

따르르르/릉, 여보세요

바꾸다, (감기에) 걸리다, 아프다

감기, 몸조리


G13.1 ~어/아 주다

G13.2 ~어/아야 되다

G13.3 ~(으)ㄹ게요



Listen to the conversation.

Soobin calls Steve to find out why he was absent.

따르르르/따르릉 tRING RING

여보세요 hello (on the phone)





바꿔 (바꾸다) to change, swtich




감기 a cold

감기에 걸려서 (걸리다) to catch a cold




아파요 (아프다) to be sick/ill, ache

이젠 (이제+ㄴ) now












몸조리 care of health

Comprehension Questions

  1. Who called whom?

  2. Why did the caller call?

  3. Why was Steve absent?

  4. Is Steve going to school tomorrow? Why or why not?