- Students explore and discuss political, religious, and/or historical topics related to Korean culture.
- Students discuss social, political, and/or diplomatic issues, religious practices, and/or historical interpretations that affect the Korean speaking communities.
- Students become familiar with political, religious, and/or historical issues discussed at various media (e.g., commercials, documentaries, newspaper articles, TV programs, and websites) and compare and contrast news coverage of those issues.
- Students identify, discuss and analyze major Korean political, diplomatic, and/or religious contributions in the world history and compare and contrast news coverage of those issues.
- Students discuss, analyze and critique artistic products of the Korean culture related to historical events, and explore relationships among these events and perspectives of Korean culture (e.g., temples, churches, palaces, historical sites).
- Students analyze instances of public media in Korea and identify the elements of culture that are reflected within them, including gender/social roles, speech styles, rhetorical organization (e.g., directness vs. indirectness), and value systems (e.g., collectivism vs. individualism).