- Students participate in conversations on topics related to work, school, recreation, cultural interests and areas of competence (e.g., educational system, jobs and careers, stories and films).
- Students handle successfully uncomplicated communication tasks and social situations requiring an exchange of information about content area topics.
- Students narrate and describe, sometimes using connected discourse of paragraph length in a minimally cohesive discourse.
- Students understand and express opinions on concrete topics.
- Students can be understood by native speakers unfamiliar with non-native speakers.
- Students fully understand simple and straightforward texts conveying basic information dealing with personal and social topics.
- Students understand descriptive and narrative texts with a clear underlying structure and containing high-frequency vocabulary and structure.
- Students understand characters, plots, themes and underlying perspectives of cultural texts (e.g., folk tales, stories about historical figures, proverbs).
- Students understand the main facts and some supporting details in connected oral discourse featuring conventional narratives and descriptions.
- Students write compositions and simple summaries related to work and school experiences (e.g., an autobiographical essay, an introduction letter, a summary of a movie plot, a report on a campus event or issue).
- Students narrate and describe with ease in different time frames about everyday events and situations organized in well-constructed paragraphs.