Recognizing someone

우진: 어, 민지 씨 아니세요? 뭐 하세요?

아, 우진 씨. 마시고 있어요.

우진 씨도 차 한 실래요?


네, 저도 마시고 싶었는데 잘 됐네요.

. . . 아니세요? Aren't you . . .?

잘 됐네요. The situation fits right in. ([Lit. It [The situation] has become well.)


Speaking activities:

A is doing one of the following:

  • Having coffee/tea
  • Playing an online game
  • Watching a Korean drama via internet
  • Eating lunch

B recognizes A doing something:

. . . 씨 아니세요? 뭐 하세요?

A recognizes B: 아, . . . 씨.

A responses to B's question: . . . ~고 있어요?

A offers B to join what s/he is doing:. . . (같이) . . .~(으)ㄹ래요/(으)실래요?

B accpets A's offer, acknowledging s/he wanted todo what A is doi, and the situation fits right in:

저도 . . . ~고 싶었는데, 잘 됐네요.