Making indirect question 〜는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ지

Some verbs of cognition (e.g. ask 묻다/물어 보다 to ask, 알다/모르다 know/not know, 생각하다 think of/about, 기억하다 remember, 잊어 버리다 forget, 생각(이)나다/안 나다 just remembered/can't remember, 궁금하다 to be curious about/wonder) may be dealing with a proposition that is in question (that is, an interrogative complement).

In English, the interrogative complement is marked by 'if' or 'whether' when you deal with the question of 'yes or no,' or by a question word when it is about unknown information:

Verbs that take a question as its complement:

In Korean, 〜는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ지 is used in all interrogative complement, and along with the question word (누가/누구, 뭐, 언제, 어디, 왜, 어떻게) when dealing with unknown information.


What do you want your boyfriend/girlfriend to remember?

노영심 노래: 별걸 다 기억하는 남자 A man who remember even unusual things


Speaking Activities

1. Invite your partner to ask a question about the following items.


. . .-에 대해서 궁금한 게 있으면 물어 보세요. Ask me if there is anything you are curious eabout . . .?

B: 저는 . . .~는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ지 궁금해요. I wonder . . .
A: . . .

2. . . .~는지/(으)ㄴ지/(으)ㄹ지 알아요/몰라요

• Who will teach K301 next semester
• What will happen in the Republican (공화당) Convention (전당대회) in June
• When Prof. Lee came to IU
• Where Ms. Cheon is going
• Why K-Pop/K-drama became popular

3. Ask your partner about the following: Have you thought of . . . ~는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ지 생각해 봤어요?

4. Do you remember . . . ~ 었/았는지 기억나세요?