Oral Presentation on hobbies/pasttimes activities

Give an informal talk on what you do for your hobby/pasttimes. Include the following.

  1. What do you mainly do when you have spare times? [You could use 주로 or ~는 편이에요]

    Is there any reason why you do what you do? [. . . ~(으)면 . . . .~거든요]

    Is there any other activity or activities you do? [Use ~기도 하다]

  2. Take one specific incident that occured in the past and describe a sequence of what happened [~었다가, ~더라구요, ~는 거예요]

  3. Some hobby activity you would like to try in the future. [. . .~(게 되)면 . . .~어 보고 싶어요]


[ATTENTION] You should not read a script.