Talking about favorite seasons

Four seasons

(봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 4계절 중에서) 어느 계절을 좋아하세요? 왜요?


날씨의 변화 (Change of weather): 계절이 바뀌면 날씨가 바뀝니다/변합니다.


봄/여름/가을/겨울에는 어떤 변화 (change)가 일어납니까?

Seasonal weather: 봄/여름/가을/겨울에는 날씨가 어때요?

Temperature (기온): Change of weather
temperature terms


봄/여름/가을/겨울 날씨를 좋아하세요?

Listen to the conversation.

민지: 마크 씨, 서울 날씨가 참 좋요?

서울 Seoul


날씨 weather

따뜻하네요 (따뜻하다) to be warm


네, 아주 따뜻하.
민지 씨는 봄날씨를 좋아하세요?


마크 씨는 봄 날씨를 안 좋아하세요?


아니요, 저도 좋아해요.

Talking about weather (날씨):

오늘은 날씨가 어때요? 요즘 날씨가 안 좋지요?

어떤 날씨 으세요/어떤 날씨를 좋아하세요?

--봄 날씨가 좋아요/봄 날씨 좋아해요


어떤 날씨 으세요/어떤 날씨 싫어하세요?

--여름 날씨 어요/여름 날씨 싫어해요. 저는 빨리 가을이 왔으면 좋겠어요.


Sunny cloudy Partly cloudy
맑아요/좋아요 흐려요 약간 흐려요
Rain Snowy Windy
비(가) 와요 눈(이) 와요 바람이 불어요

Weather map


Speaking activities:

1. Your partner went home (New York, California, Florida, and Arizona) for Summer break.

Ask each other about the weather in each other's location. You may be knowledgeable on the weather at your partner's location. In that case, confirm your assessement of the weather at your partner's location, using '~지요?'

Use ~고 to combine information on the overall weather and the temperature.

You may refer to your location as 여기 and to your partner's location as 거기.

2. Interview your classmates on which season they like the most and why.

Classmate Favorite Season Reason