G 9.2 Noun-modifying form ~(��)��/��

Predication form vs. Noun-modifying form:

Predication Form Noun-modifying Form
�λ��� �Ƹ��ٿ���. �Ƹ��ٿ� �λ�


��ȭ ���� (Movie Titles)


����� (People)

�㰢/������ 'ª�� ġ��'

�״� you sweetheart
��� appreance, look
�޶� differently
�Ѿ��� endlessly
~�� ���̴� appear to
����� �� hold
�Բ� together
�߾� a no make up face
ª�� to be short
�ڸ��� to cut
�Ͼ�� to be white
������ to be attractive
���޴� to follow as a model
��������� to be lovely
���� ever
���ϴ� to change
�ڲٸ� repeatedly
����ϴ� to be awkward
������ to touch<
�̸� like this
�Ϳ��� to be cute
������� to be absorbed in
������ to be honest
�Ϻ��ϴ� to be perfect
���� a concern, worry
�����ϴ� to want, be short
�� to fill
������ for ever

�ָ��� �ɾ� ���� �״� ����� �� �޶� ����

�Ѿ��� ���� ���̴� �״� ����� �Բ� �ɾ

ª�� �Ӹ�, ª�� ġ��, �߾��� ��

�� ���� ���� ����?

||:ª�� �Ӹ�, �Ͼ� ����, üũ ��Ÿ��
������ ���� ����?

ª�� �ڸ� �״� �� �޾� �ʹ����� �� ����

������� �츮 ���̼� ���� ������ ����.*

�ڲٸ� ������� �Ӹ� ������ �״� �����

�� �̸� �Ϳ��� ����?

���� ������ ���� �� :||

*������ �� �Ϻ��� ���ڴ� �ƴ�����

���� ���ƿ� �� ���� �״븸 ������.

������ �츮 ���̼� ���� ä�� �� ����� ����� ����

������ �� �״븸 ( �� �״븸)

�츮 ���� �����.



Ž: � ������ ���ƿ�?
����: ���� �߿� ������ ���ƿ�.Ž���� � ������ ���ƿ�?
Ž: ���� ���� ������ ������ ���ƿ�.

Noun-modifying forms:

Stem Ending  
�� ��
���/�ƿ� =��"�ƿ�
(��)�� =����
Stem Ending  
�帮 ��
���/�ƿ� =������
(��)�� =����
Stem Ending  
�� ��
���/�ƿ� =������
(��)�� =����
Stem Ending  
�� ��
���/�ƿ� =������
(��)�� =����


2. ����Ʈ�� ã���ϴ� (You are looking for an apartment). � ����Ʈ�� ã���ϱ�?

� ����Ʈ�� ��������?
--���� ������ ����Ʈ�� ���ƿ�.
--���� �������� �ִ� ����Ʈ�� ���ƿ�.

���� ũ��
(Bedroom: 20x20)

���� �۴�
(Bedroom: 10x10)

����� ������
(walking distance to campus)

�б����� �ִ�
(30 min. by car to campus)

�����ϴ� quiet

���� noisy

($300 for one bedroom)

($600 for one bedroom)

(900 sq. ft)

(500 sq. ft)



�������� �ִ�
(swimming pool)

�������� ����
(no swimming pool)



3. ...���� ���� ~(��)�� ...-(��)��/�� ...�̿���/����:

����: Click here for useful adjectives to use.

A: ����(the world, globe)���� ���� �� ���� ������?
B: ���迡�� ���� �� ���� ���ϰ��̿���.


The highest mountain in the U.S.: �̱����� ���� ���� ���� _____________����.

���� to be high, tall (mountains, buildings)

��� to be long

Ű�� ũ��/�۴� to be tall/short (height of a person)

���� ���� to be rich [Lit, to have much money]

��� ���� to be good to live in

  The highest mountain in the world: ���迡�� ���� ���� ���� _____________����.  

The highest building in the U.S.: �̱����� ���� ���� �ǹ��� _____________����.


The longest river in the U.S.: �̱����� ���� �� ���� _____________����.


The richest man in the world: ���迡�� ���� ���� ���� ����� _____________����.

D. The city that has the most beatiful skyline in the US: �̱����� ���� �߰� (skyline)�� ���� ������ _____________����.
E. The city which is the best to live in (��� ����) in the U.S.: �̱����� ���� ��� ���� ������ _____________����.
F The most expensive car in the U.S.: �̱����� ���� ��� ���� _____________����.
