The Oral Exam for K101 will be conducted in a format in which you and your partner are engaged in free spontaneous conversation and once in a while the instructors may jump in your conversation.You may prepare for a scenario with your partner, but also need to be prepared for being interrupted and may be forced into different situations when the instructors jump in. Also this time you shall NOT carry any written notes during the exam.
You will be scored on the
following five criteria:
(i) Comprehension
(ii) Fluency
(iii) Accuracy
(iv) Spontaneity
(v) Uses of
Comprehension has to do with how well you understand what�s going on in the conversation. Fluency has to do with how smoothly you produce your utterance, not the speed of it. Accuracy has to do with how you command your grammar, vocabulary and expressions accurately. As for the criterion (iv), spontaneity, you will score better if you spontaneously initiate conversation rather than passively responding to the questions given to you. As for the criterion (v), uses of grammar, we will be looking at how well you utilize the grammar and expressions you have learned in this class, and how creatively use them.
Best way to prepare for the oral exam is for you to get familiar with the conversations in the textbook.
1. Greetings
(i) First time greeting:
�ȳ��ϼ���? ó�� �˰ڽ��ϴ�. ���� ______
(ii) Greeting after
a while:
���� ��� ��������?
�ȳ��ϼ̾��? ���� ��� �����̾��?
(iii) Introducing your
friend, acquaintance, and family members:
�λ��ϼ���. �� ______����.
(iv) Greetings of goodbye:
�ȳ��� �輼��.
2. Asking about your partner:
(i) Name: �̸���
(ii) School year: �� �г��̿���? ���п����̼���?
(iii) Nationality/Ethnic identity: ��� ���� ����̿���? �ѱ�����̿���, �̱�����̿���?
(iv) Major: �� �����ϼ���? �� �����ϼ���? ������ ������?
(v) Family members:
���� ���? ������ �� ���̿���? ___�� ���� �־��?
�θ���� ��� �輼��? ����/����/��/����/���
(vi) Daily activities:
�� �ÿ� ~���/�ƿ�? __�� �� �ؿ��߾��/�� �� �ſ���?
��ÿ� ������ ���Ϳ�? �б��� �� �ÿ�
���� ���Ŀ� �� �߾��?
���ῡ�� ���� �� �ؿ�?������ ȥ��
(v) School work: �̹��б
��/�� ���� ����? �����б �� ���� �ſ���? �б��� ���� �Ϳ�?
������ �� �ÿ� �־��? �ѱ��� ������
�� �ÿ� �־��? �ѱ��� ������ ��� �ؿ�?
�ѱ��� ����/å �־��?
(vi) Interests, favorite
�� �����ϼ���? ���� __ �����ϼ���?
(vii) weekend &
holiday activities& plans: ���� �ָ��� �� �߾��? �̹� �ָ���
�� �� �ſ���? ���� ���������� �� �߾��? �̹� ũ��������/�ܿ���п� ��
�� �ſ���?
(viii) Giving and receiving:
������ ��������? ���� ���Ͽ� ���� ���� �Ҿ��? ���� ��������
�θ�Բ� ��ȭ ���� �ϼ���?
�θ������ ��ȭ ���� �Ϳ�?
(ix) One�s resdence:
��� ��ƿ�? �б����� ������ �־��? �б��� ��� �Ϳ�?
�б����� ������ �� �ɷ���?
3. Asking location, time,
dates and days:
____��/�� ��� �־��?
____�� ���� �־��?
4. Actions and activities:
(i) �� �ؿ�?:
��ħ�� �� �Ծ��? Ŀ�� ���ſ�? ������ ��� �Ծ��? ���� ��� �����ϼ���?
(ii) ��� ������?:
���� ������ ��� ������? Ŀ�� ���÷� ��� ������? ���� �緯 ��� ������?
5. Keep in mind utilizing:
(i) Use names and
titles to refer to the listener
(ii) Correct use of
~(��)���� and ~���/�ƿ�
(iii) Changing subject
matter, Shifiting from one itemto another within the same topic.
(iv) Correct use of
����, ����, ����
(v) Different types
of questions: Three types of questions: