G7.2 Question words ����   . . . vs. ���  . . .

See grammar notes.

Both ���� and ��� must be followed by a noun that define a category.

���� asks to identify an entity within the category defined by the following noun in an open-ended set (the speaker does not assume any specified set),

whereas ��� asks to identify an entity among a closed set of candidates that is clearly delineated in the context.

Speaking activities:
Exchange dialogue with the following items. Expand the dialogue spontaneously and creatively.

���  . . . 'Which N . . ?'

�庸�� to go grocery shopping

����: Kroger, O'Mallia's, Marsh



����  . . . 'What N . . .?'

Dz�� () �����ؿ�?
�� () �����ؿ�?

�߱� () �����ؿ�?

�౸ () �����ؿ�?

Cf. �ϰ� �ϰ� ��� ��� �� ����־��?


Cf. Ŭ���� (classic)�ϰ� �� (Pop)�ϰ� ��� ������ �����ϼ���?