G7.1 Presumption: ~(��)�� �ſ���

  ����: ���� �����׿�.

���ϰ� hurriedly
����/���� now
���� past expectation


��, ��ħ�� ���ϰ� �����ؾ� �� �� �� �־. ������ ���� ����. ���� ���� �ܿ� ���ƿ�.

  ����: ��. ��, �ܿ��̴ϱ�.

��ȥ�� a wedding

���� a ceremony hall

�� direction

�ϼ�: ��, ���� �� ������ ��ȥ�� ���� �ſ���? ������ ������ ���̴��� . . .
ûø�� a wedding invitation ����: ������. ûø�嵵 �޾Ҵµ�.
������ ���� to carry �ϼ�: ��. Ȥ�� �� ������ ���� �ſ���.
  ����: ��.

�¿�� to give a ride
���ӹ��� express bus
���� a ride
����ġ �ʴ� to find unsatisfied


�׷�, �� �� �¿� �ֽø� �� �ſ�?
���ӹ��� �˾� �ôµ� �ű���� ���� ������ ����ġ�� �ʾƼ�.

  ����: . . .
������ to be annoying �ϼ�: ��, �������ø� . . .
  ����: ���� ����.

���� really
�����̴� to be fortunate
�����ϴ� to worry

  ��, ������. �� �����̴�. ��� ��� ���� �����߾��µ�. ��, �����մϴ�.

(1) ����: ���̾�, �̹� �ָ��� �� �� �ſ���?
����: ģ���ϰ� ��ȭ �� �ſ���.
���پ��� �� �� �ſ���?
����: ���±׳� ���� ���� �ſ���.
(2) ����: ����Ŭ��, �̹� ���п� �� �� �ſ���?
����Ŭ: �����ϰ� �����濡 �� �ſ���.
���𾾴� �� �� �ſ���?
����: ȫ�ῡ�������� �Ϳ�/Cf. ������ �� �ſ���.
�����ϰ� ������ �ſ���.
(3) ����Ŭ: ����, ���� ���� ������Ƽ�� �� �ſ���?
����: ��, �� �ſ���.
�׷���, ������� ���� �Ϳ�?
����Ŭ: ���ٴ� ģ���� ���ƿ�. �׷��� ���� �� �ſ���.

~(��)�� �ſ��� is an expression of presumption. It marks a situation which the speaker thinks is likely to happen, including a probable future and some actions or activities the speaker intends to do as in the above examples, or some situations the speaker simply presumes to occur. What is expressed with ~(��)�� �ſ��� is compared to a definite future, like a scheduled event. Compare the following:

(i) ���� ����Ͽ� ������ ���� �ſ���. (Probable future)
'[I presume] There will be an exam on next Thursday.'

(ii) ���� ����Ͽ� ������ �־��. (Definite future)
'There is an exam on next Thursday.'

 In (i), the speaker simply presumes that there will be an exam. In (ii), on the other hand, the exam is scheduled, and the speaker knows that.

[����] Complete the given sentence with a given verb. Give a proper form of the verb, depending on the time of the situation, that is, ~���/�ƿ�, ~�����/�Ҿ��/�����, or ~(��) �� �ſ���.
A: �̹� �ָ��� �� �� �ſ��� (�ϴ�)?
B: ģ���ϰ� ��ȭ�� �ſ��� (��ȭ����).
(1) ����: ���پ�, ���� �ָ��� �� �߾��( �ϴ�)?
����: ������Ƽ �߾�� (�ϴ�)..
������� �� �����̾���� (-�̴�)
����: ��, �׷����? �����ؿ� (�����ϴ�).
����: �������� (������).
���� ������ �������� (-�̴�)?
����: 6��27���̿���/�̾���� (�̴�).
(2) ����: ���� �ָ����� �����ϰ� �����濡 �� �ſ���((����)..
�����濡 ���� ��ϰ��־��(�ִ�).
���� ��ϴ� ���� ���б� 4�г��̿���(-�̴�).
���⿡ ���п����� �ſ���(����).
(3) ����Ŭ: ��Ƽ��, ���� ������Ƽ�� �� �ſ���(����)?
��Ƽ��: ���ῡ ģ���� ������(������).
�׷��� �Ƹ� (probably, perhaps) ���� �ſ��� (�ʴ� 'be late')
(4) ����: ���پ�, ���� �б⿡ �� �� ���� �ſ���?
����: �ѱ����ϰ� ������ (biology)�� ���� �ſ���.
���̾��� �ѱ��� ��� (continuously) ������ �ſ���(�����ϴ�)?
����: ��, ���� �ѱ��� ��� ���� �ſ���(���).

Speaking Activities:

1. When are you going to . . .?

���� . . .~(��)�� �ſ���?

2. Are you going to . . . next semester?

���� �б⿡ . . .~(��)�� �ſ���?