G5.5 N-�ϰ� (����) ~���

(i) Indicating a reciprocal partner
(1) A: ��Ƽ�� ���� �� �ؿ�?
B: �����ϰ� ��ȭ�ؿ�
(ii) Indicating an accompanying entity or coparticipant
(2) A: ��Ƽ�� ���� �� �ؿ�?
B: �����ϰ� (����) �����ؿ�. 
(3) ����: ����Ŭ�� ���Ŀ� �� �ؿ�?
����Ŭ: �����ϰ� (����) �����ؿ�.
(4) ����: ����Ŭ��, ����Ͽ� �� �ؿ�?
����Ŭ: �����ϰ� (����) �״Ͻ��Ŀ�.

1. We already learned in G3.4 one usage of -�ϰ� in the sense of 'and' in Engish (conjoining two nouns). More examples,
Conjoining two nouns: N-�ϰ� N
��. ����� ���� ȫ���̿���
     ȫ�ῡ �θ���ϰ� ������ �־��.

��. A: ��� ������?
     B: ��ȭ���� ����?
     A: ��ȭ���� �� �緯 ������?
     B: �����ϰ� ������ �緯 ����
          [���� 'trousers', ���� 'shoes']

2. 'N-�ϰ�' has another usage that is parallel to English 'with N', which can subsume two sub-types:
(i) Indicating a reciprocal partner in those reciprocal activities, as in (1) and (2).

 Other reciprocal actions/activities:
���̰� ��Ƽ���ϰ� ����ؿ�.
���ٰ� ����Ŭ�ϰ� ��ȥ�ؿ�.

 (ii) Indicating an accompanying entity or co-participant in a joint action or activity, as in (3) and (4) in the sense of 'together with' or 'along with'.

Other joint actions or activities:
�����ϰ� ���� ��ȭ���� ����.
���̰� �����ϰ� ���� ��ħ�� �Ծ��.

In this case, ���� 'together' is optionally allowed, thus N-�ϰ� (����) ~���.

 [����] Describe the following pictures, using -�ϰ�.
����: ���ٰ� ����Ŭ�ϰ� �״Ͻ��� �Ŀ�.

(1) ��Ƽ�갡 �����ϰ� ��ȭ�ؿ�.

����                     ��Ƽ��

 (2) ������ Ƽ���ϰ� �üҸ� Ÿ��.

Ƽ��             ����

 (3) ��Ƽ�갡 �����ϰ� ����ؿ�.

��Ƽ��       ����