G4.5 Vowel contraction

(1) A: ��ÿ� �Ͼ��?
  B: 7���� �Ͼ��.
(2) A: ���� ��� ������?
  B: �� �ٺ���.
(3) ����: ���Ŀ� �� �ϼ���?
  ����Ŭ: �״Ͻ� �Ŀ�
(4) ��Ƽ��: ���ῡ �� �ϼ���?
  ����: �ڷ����� ����. �׷���, ��Ƽ�꾾 �� ��켼��?
  ��Ƽ��: �ѱ��� �����.
(5) ����Ŭ: ���Ͼ�, ������ �б����� �־��?
  ����: �ƴϿ�, �������. �ɾ 10�� �ɷ���.

1. When there are two vowels in sequence in verb conjugation, only one
vowel surfaces.
���� ����� (��+�����)
���� ���� (��+�����)
������ ������� (����+�����)
���� �վ�� (��+�����)
����� ��վ�� (���+�����)
���� �վ�� (��+�����)

2. �� and �� cause the contraction of the following ��.
���� + ���
�� + ���

3. The sequence �� + �� is often contracted to ��.
�� ��ٷ���
�� ��ٷȾ��

* However, ��+��, ��+��, ġ+�� are obligatorily contracted to ��, ��, ��.
�ɸ� + ��� �� �ɷ���
���� + ��� �� ���ſ�

ġ + ���   �� �Ŀ�

����ġ + ��� �� �����Ŀ�

* The honorific ��+��, however, is contracted to ��, instead of ��.
�ȳ��Ͻ� + ��� �� �ȳ��ϼ���
��� + ���        �� �輼��

4. The following combinations are contracted as complex vowels.
�� + �� �� ��
�� + �� �� ��

The contraction is optional when the previous syllable begins with a consonant as follows.
�� + ��� �� ��� (�־�� is okay, too)
�� + �ƿ� �� ���� (���ƿ� is okay, too) 

The contraction is obligatory when there is no consonant.
����     �� �� + �ƿ�    �� �Ϳ�
���� �� ��� + ��� �� �����

[���� 1] Provide the polite ending �����/�ƿ� for each predicate.
����: ��� (����). �� ��� ����.

(1)������ �ֽ��� (���ô�).
(2) �ڷ������� (����).

(3) �������� ���ǿ� (��ô�).

(4) ���� �Ĵ翡�� ģ���� (������).

(5) ���� ������ (����).

(6) ��忡�� �״Ͻ��� (ġ��).

(7) ��� ���Ͽ� ������ (�ִ�).

(8) ������ ���࿡�� (���ϴ�).

(9) �� ������ ���� (��δ�).

 [���� 2] Verbs whose stem ends in the �� vowel are irregular. Give the polite ending for each �� verb.
����:   ķ�۽��� (ũ��). �� ķ�۽��� Ŀ��.

(1) ������ (���ڴ�) (2) �л��� (�ٻڴ�) (3) �������� (���ڴ�)