G2.1 The Subject Particle -��/�� 

See grammar notes.

�̸��� ������?

��ȭ ��ȣ�� ������?

�б� �Ĵ��� ��� �־��?


Cf. �� �̸��� ��Ƽ�꿹��. ���� �ѱ��� �л��̿���.

[NOTE] The Topic Particle -��/�� is used when the predication is made for a unique attribute/characteristics of the referent, as in generic statements or when a comparison/contrast is made with another referent. That is, The Topic Particle -��/�� overrides the Subject Particle -��/�� for a special purpose of communication on the part of the speaker.


IU Campus

Q: IU�� ���� ���־��?
A: (IU��) . . .-��/�� ���־��.


Arboretum (�����)

������� Ȧ
����� ���


�б��Ĵ� ����

Q: IMU �Ĵ��� ���� ���־��?
A: . . .-��/�� ���־��.




Link a place name to an adjective that matches its description, and make a sentence using the Subject Particle -��/��.

���ƿ�, ������, �о��, Ŀ��, ���־��, ���־��, �ο�,


ķ�۽��� �о��/Ŀ��/������/���־��.

�������� Ŀ��.

�б��Ĵ� (School Cafeteria) ������ �ο�/���־��.

Ŀ���� ���־��/�ο�.

������� ���־��/Ŀ��/�о��/���ƿ�.

����� �о��/Ŀ��/�о��/������.

IU�� �л��� ���ƿ�.