
Lesson Objectives:

1. Learn how to greet when you meet or run into people

2. Learn how to say 'Bye' in Korean.


Learning Activities

1. Watch the video clip and get familiar with how to greet people. Repeat after each utterance in the clip.

Say "Hi, how are you?" in Korean to your classmates.

2. Listen to the audio and repeat after the model.



(네,) 안녕하세요?


  1. '안녕하세요?' is the most general greeting in Korean you would use when you see people in any time of the day or anywhere. You can use the greeting more than once to the same person on the same day.

  2. Like 'How are you?' in English, '안녕하세요?' in Korean is originally a question asking the other persons's well-being. It literall means 'Are you well?' or 'Are you in peace?'

  3. Unlike 'How are you?' in English, which expects an answer to the question literally such as 'Fine,' 'Good,' 'O.K.,' 'Great,' etc, '안녕하세요?" is not intended to request an answer. One needs only to respond back with '안녕하세요?'

    Unlike 'How are you?' in English, which is mostly used among acquaintances, '안녕하세요?' can also be used to a stranger or as a mere indication of recognition upon an eye contact. In this regard, '안녕하세요?' is like 'Hi!'

  4. '안녕하세요?' can be used even when there is no eye contact. In this regard, it is like "Hello!" in English.

  5. When greeting to someone you need to pay respect (e.g., a senior, someone in a higher social status like teacher, supervisor, someone you are introduced to for the first time, etc.), you need to bow.


3. Write the Korean greeting three times. Note that each character represets one syllable. Try to pronounc each character while you are writing them.



Leave taking:

To someone who leaves: 안녕히 가세요!

To someone who stays: 안녕히 계세요!


Leave taking exchange:

지배인: 아깐 실례가 많았습니다.
안녕히 가십시오
손님 1: 흥.
손님 2: 실례했습니다. 안녕히 계세요.


지배인: a manager

손님: a customer, guest

아까: a while ago

실례: being out of manner/etiquette