G6.2 Goal vs. source: N-����/�� vs. N-���׼�, LOC-�� vs. LOC-����

Examples                                                                          Click here to listen.
(i) Goal/destination or recipient of an action/activity

[Person]-����/��: recipient of action
(1) ����: ���پ�, ������� ��ȭ ���� �ϼ���?
   ����: �ƴϿ�, ���� �� �ؿ�.
         ���̾��� �θ���� ��ȭ ���� �ϼ���?
   ����: ��, ���� �ؿ�.

(2) �����¸��ٻ����̾����. �׷���, �������� ���ϰ�ī�带�־����.

(3) �����ָ����¸����ϰ����پ������ ���ſ���.

 Object]-��: goal or destination point
(4) ����: ����Ŭ��, �б��� ��ÿ��Ծ��?
 ����Ŭ: 9�ÿ��Ծ��.

(5) ��Ƽ��: ����, ȫ���� ������ȭ�ϼ���?
      ����: ��, �����ؿ�.

(6) ����: ����Ŭ��, �����ָ������Ұſ���?
  ����Ŭ: �����ϰ��������� ���پ�����װ��ſ���

(ii) Source/point of origin or initiator of an action/activity

[Person]-���׼�: source person/initiator of action
(7) ����: ���پ�, ���ϼ������̹޾Ҿ��?
    ����: ���ϰ�å���޾Ҿ��.
    ����: �����������׼� �޾Ҿ��?
    ����: ����Ŭ���׼� �����޾Ҿ��.

 (8) ��Ƽ��: ����Ŭ, �̸������׼� ��ȭ�Ծ��.
    ����Ŭ: ��, ��������.

 (9) ����: ���پ�, ���������ؿ�.
    ����: ��������. �׷���, ��Ծ˾Ҿ��?
    ����: ����Ŭ���׼� ������.

[Object]-����: point of origin or initial point
(10) ����: ����Ŭ��, ������ �����ÿ����Ϳ�?
  ����Ŭ: 8�� 40�п����Ϳ�.
(11) ��Ƽ��: ����Ŭ, �б����� ��ȭ�Ծ��.
     ����Ŭ: ��������?
     ��Ƽ��: �̼������̼���.

1. Some actions, such as giving, offering, asking, teaching, telephoning, sending (letters or messages), etc., involve two parties, one a source person or initiator, and the other a recipient of the actions. Therefore, these events can be described either from the recipient perspective or from the source person/initiator perspective. From the source person perspective, the source person is the subject and the recipient (goal) is marked with the particle -����, as in (1)-(3). From the recipient perspective, the recipient is the subject and the source person is marked by the particle -���׼�, as in (7)-(9).

 2. When the recipient is a respectful senior, e.g. �θ��, ������, etc., a special honorific particle -�� is used to mark the recipient, as in (1).

3. These particles are used only for animates (i.e. human beings and animals). As learned in Lesson (4) (G4.1), and Lesson 5 (G5.1, and also Tasks/Functions #3), a destination or goal location of those locomotion verbs such as ���� 'to go' and '����' is indicated by the locative particle -��, as in (4)-(6), and the source point or point of origin is indicated by the locative particle -����, as in (10)-(11).

 4. The particle -�� may be added onto -���� or -���׼�.
����: ���̾�, ����Ŭ������ ��ȭ�߾��?
����: ��.
����: ���پ����׵� ��ȭ�߾��?
����: ���پ����׵� ������ȭ�߾��.

����: ����Ŭ���׼� ��ȭ�Ծ��?
��Ƽ��: ��, �Ծ��.
����: �������׼��� �Ծ��?
��Ƽ��: ��, �������׼��� �Ծ��.

[���� 1] Describe who is doing what to whom in the given picture.
����: �޸��� ���ӽ����� ����ؿ�.

(1) ________________________________________________________________

(2) ________________________________________________________________

(3) ________________________________________________________________

 [���� 2] Fill in the blank with a proper particle, choosing from the box.
-��, -����, -����, -���׼�

(1) ���ٰ�����Ŭ_________ ��ȭ���߾��.
(2) ���̴»��Ͽ���Ƽ��_________ �����޾Ҿ��.
(3) ����� L.A._________ ��ȭ�߾��.
(4) ����Ŭ������_________ ���ϼ���������.
(5) ����ģ��_________ ��ȭ���Ծ��.
(6) ����_________ ������������.
(7) ��Ƽ��´���_________ ģ��_________ �����.