G5.9 ��-irregular verbs: ������

(1) ����Ŭ: ���Ͼ�, ���� �־��?
����: �ƴϿ�, �������.
(2) ����: �ѱ��� ���� �������?
��Ƽ��:  �ƴϿ�, ���� ������

Some predicates whose stem ends in �� are subject to variation in the stem form. When the following suffix begins with a vowel, �� becomes the semi-vowel w (�� or ��). That is, �� �� �� before a vowel: ������: ����+�� �� �氡�����; ����+������ �� ����켼�� (�� + �� = ��). For mono syllabic ��-irregular verbs such as ���� 'to help', ���� 'to be pretty', �� is changed to �� as in ���Ϳ� and ���Ϳ�.

cf. ���� (regular verb) �����ƿ�

All ��-irregular predicates undergo obligatory contraction.
���� + �ƿ�� ����� + ��� �氡�����
                                ��-irregular contraction 

[����] Fill in the blank with a proper form of the given predicate.
����: �ѱ����  ������. (����)
(1) A: �ѱ��� ������ ���?
B: �������� ������. (����)
�ܿ£�� ���� �߿���. (���)
(2) A: ������ �б����� �־��?
B: �ƴϿ�, �������. (������)
(3) A: �ѱ��� ����־��?
B: ��, ����־��. �׷��� ���� �������. (��ƴ�)

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