G5.6 Negative �� |
�б��� ���� �Ϳ�?
���� �Ϳ�. ���Ͼ��¿�?
���� �� �Ϳ�. ȭ����, ����Ͽ��� ������ �����
ȭ�����ϰ� ����Ͽ��� �� �Ϳ�.
��ħ �� �ÿ� �Ծ��?
���� ��ħ�� �Ծ��.
������ ������?
�������� ����. ������ ���� �� �ؿ�.
����:�ƴϿ�, �����. |
1. Negation of a predicate in general is made by putting the Negative marker �� immediately before the predicate, as in (1) and (2):
�Ծ�� �Ϳ� |
�� �Ծ�� �� �Ϳ� |
2. Negation of �ϴ�-verbs (i.e., noun�ϴ�) is usually made by putting
�� between the noun and the verb �ϴ�, that is, Noun �� �ϴ�, as in (3).
�����ؿ� ��ȭ�ؿ� ���ؿ� |
���� �� �ؿ� ��ȭ �� �ؿ� �� �� �ؿ� |
3. Some verbs have a special negative counterpart. For these verbs, the regular negative construction �� is not used.
N�̴�/�̿��� �˴�/�˾ƿ� |
N(��/��) �ƴϴ�/�ƴϿ��� ��/����� |
[����] Give a negative answer to the given question.
���� ����?
B:�ƴϿ�, ȭ����, ����Ͽ��� �� ���� |
(1)A: ��ħ ���� �Ծ��?
B: �ƴϿ�, ���� ��ħ�� ______________________.
(2)A: ��� ����?
B: �ƴϿ�, ���� ������ ________________. ���� __________.
(3)A: ���õ� �����ؿ�?
B: �ƴϿ�. ���� �ѱ��� ������ �־��.
���� ������ ���� ______________
(4)����: ��Ƽ�꾾, ���� �˾ƿ�?
��Ƽ��: �ƴϿ�, _____________.