G3.6 Object particle ��/��

(1) ���ٰ� ��ħ�� �Ծ��.
(2) ���̰� �ڷ������� ����.
(3) ���� Ŀ�Ǹ� ���ſ�. (4) ��Ƽ�갡 ģ���� ������.

1. The particle ��/�� indicates that the nominal attached to it is the object of the verb; that is, the nominal designating a concept or item that is part of and thus constitutes the action in question or the one that undergoes the designated action.
After a consonant: �� ��ħ��
After a vowel: �� ģ����

2. Basic sentence pattern: N��/�� N��/�� �����/�ƿ�
Subject Object Verb

In the above examples, the subjects designate the actors, the ones who do the action, and the objects designate the things that the actors do something to.

[����] Fill in the blank with a proper particle, ��/��, ��, ��/�� or ��/��.

��Ƽ���� ���г��̿���. �ѱ����� �����ؿ�
������ ���г��̿���. ������ �������� �����ؿ�.

(1) ��Ƽ���� �ѱ����� �����ؿ�.
������ �ѱ����������ؿ�.
(2) ������ ������������.
(3) ��������ħ�� �Ծ��.
������ Ŀ�������ſ�.
�б��Ĵ��� Ŀ���� �ο�.

Classroom activity