G3.4 ��/�� vs. �� vs. ��

(1) ����: ���پ�, �����־��?
     ����: �ƴϿ�, �����.
     ����: ������ �־��?
     ����: ������ �����. ��ϸ� �־��.

(2) ����: ���پ�, ���̾�𿹿�?
    ����: ��ī������. ��ī���� �ƹ���, ��Ӵϰ� �輼��.
    ����: ��ϵ� ��ī�����輼��?
    ����: �ƴϿ�, ��ϴº����濡 �־��
          ��ī������ �θ�Ը��輼��.

As discussed in Lesson 1 (G1.3), the particles �� and �� are used to compare items, �� when the two items compared are different, and �� when the two items are parallel. The particle ��, on the other hand, is a marker of exclusiveness; that is, it indicates that the item attached to �� is exclusively associated with the information at issue among the items available. In (1), for example, ���� has only an older sister (���), and no other sibling. In (2), ���� states that no other family member is in Chicago but her parents.

[����] Give a description with the given information.

[��Ƽ������ (3�г�), �迵�� (1�г�), ����Ŭ �� (1�г�)]
�迵�̴� 1�г��̿���. ����Ŭ ���� 1�г��̿���
��Ƽ�������� 3�г��̿���. ��Ƽ�� ������ 1�г��� �ƴϿ���.

(1) [�ѱ���Ŭ����: �迵�� (�ѱ����), ����Ŭ �� (�ѱ����), ���� �� ( �߱����)]

(2) [Language lab: ������ (�ѱ����л�), ������ (�ѱ����л�), �������䲿 (�߱����л�)]

(3) [���Ͽº���: �Ĵ� (1��), å�� (1��), ���� (2��)]

(4) [����Ŭ has: no older brother, no older sister, but only a younger brother]

(5) [��Ƽ��'s family: �θ��, ������, ���� are all in Boston. Only Steve is in New York.]

Classroom activity