G3.2 Expressing possessive relation: N (Possessor) N (Possessed) |
Just juxtapose the expression of possessor and the exression of the possessed without any linking expression: see grammar notes
Speaking activities
Activity 1.
Ask your partner if s/he has a sibling. If s/he has, ask where the sibling is.
Q: | . . . ��, {��/����/����/���/����} �־��? |
A: | �ƴϿ�, �����. |
Q: | [Choosing another sibling] {��/����/����/���/����}�� �־��? |
A: | ��, {��/����/����/���/����}�� �־��. |
Q: | . . . �� {��/����/����/���/����}�� ��� �־��? |
A: | �� {��/����/����/���/����}�� . . .-�� �־��. |
Activity 2. Exchange a conversation, asking about who is the possessor of selected items.
Each person selects two
items from the possessions of your partner (bag, Korean textbook, hat,
jacket, etc.) and ask:
(i) 'Is this _______ yours?'
or 'Is this your _______?'
or (ii) 'Whose is this
______?' or Whose ______ is this?
Note that a name is used to refer to your parnter.
Given questions, you would respond that one is yours, but the other, for the sake of practice, is somebody else's (e.g., your friend's, your brother's or sister's, your roommate's, etc.) --not necessarily in this order: be spontaneous and creative.
����: | ���̾�, �� ���� ���� �ſ���? |
����: | �� �ſ���. |
����: | �� å�� ���� �ſ���? |
����: | �� å�� �� �����Ʈ �ſ���. |
�� ���� ���پ� �����̿���? | |
����: | �ƴϿ�, �� ���� �ſ���. |
����: | �� ������ ���� �ſ���? |
����: | �� ���ڴ� �� �ſ���. |