G3.1 �־��/����� as expression of possession

1. Following the model dialogues, practice�־��/����� with the items given below.
    Note the uses of different particles depending on the context.

[�ð�, ��, ��ǻ��] 
(1) A: ...��, �ð� ��������
(2) A: ...��, �ð� ��������?
B: ��, �־��. B: �ƴϿ�, �����.
A: ��ǻ���� ��������? A: ��ǻ���� ��������?
B: �ƴϿ�, ��ǻ���� �����. B: �ƴϿ�, ��ǻ���� �����.
A: �׷�, ���� ��������? A: �׷�, ���� ��������?
B: �ƴϿ�, ���� �����. B: ��, ���� �־��.


ī��Ʈ �÷��̾�
DVD Player



2. Following the model dialogue, practice family terms and their locations.

���� ��𿹿�? [Where is your home?] (cf. ��� �缼��?)
B: ....-�̿���/����.
A: �θ���� ...-�� �輼��? [��ô� is an honorific verb for �ִ� (existence)]
B: ��.
A: ...-�� �� ���� �־��?
B: ...-��/�� �־��/�θ�Ը� �־��.
A: ...-��/�� �����?
B: �־��. ...-�� �־��/��, �����.
A: ...-�� �� ���� �־��?
B: ...-��/�� �־��/�θ�Ը� �־��.

    For Male Ego                                                For Female Ego

      �ƹ���        ��Ӵ�                  �ƹ���     ��Ӵ�
(��)����   ��         ��      ����          ��     (����)���� (ū)���� ���
  <----younger . ................ older ---->            <----younger . ................ older ---->

For pronunciation of these terms, see Multimedia Dictionary (#13 and #14).

Two uses of �־��/�����

(i) Existence of an object or person in a location (ii) Possession (Existence of an object or person to a person)

  • �輼�� vs. ��������: See grammar notes.
  • Some useful expressions with �־��/�����
    1. ���� �־��/�����?
    2. ���� ���� �־��/�����?
    3. �ð� (time)�� �־��/��������?
    4. ��/���� (ride) �־��/��������?
    5. ��(taste)�־��/�����
    6. [Blaming somebody's absent-mindedness] ����(mind/spirit)�־��, �����?
  • Overlap of the two uses:

        ���� �־��/�����
        ���� �־��/�����
        �ð� �־��/�����
        ��/���� �־��/�����