Discussion questions on proverbs
Negative reaction Postive reaction
There’s no use crying over spilt milk vs. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Every cloud has a silver lining. |
Someday a ray of sunlit
comes throuhg even in a mouse hole. 쥐 구멍에도 볕 들날 있다. |
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fense. |
The rice cake of other
people looks bigger. |
no use of crying over spilt milk.
After the march the trumpet sounds. |
Spilt water Fixing up a barn afer
having lost a cow. |
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. |
A crying baby will
get milk. |
Time heals all wounds. |
The passage of time
is the medicine. |
Walls have ears. |
A day time talk is
heard by birds, and a night time talk is heard by mice. |
What goes around comes around. | Nice words
bring nice words in return. 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다. |
Seeing is believing. |
Hundred times of listening
is not as good as one time of seeing. |
It only takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel. |
One mudfish makes
the whole puddle muddy. |
A barking dog is never a good hunter. |
An empty cart makes
bigger noise. |
Speaking of devil. |
Even a tiger shows
up when he is spoken of. |
12 | A fine child becomes a fine gentleman. |
A giant tree displays
itself even in a bud. |
13 |
Much science (learning), much sorrow.
Having knowledge is
the disease. |
14 | Smoking gun. |
Would there be smoke
in the chimney that is not set on fire? |
15 |
After the march the
trumpet sounds |
Fixing the barn after
losing a cow |
16 | Two head are better than one. |
Even a sheet of paper
gets lighter when carried by two people. |
17 | In trust is treason. |
A known ax falls on
one's foot. |
18 |
Even a three feet
beard cannot make you a gentleman unless you eat. Sightseeing of even
Mt. Diamond comes after eating. |
19 |
Three bushels of beads
can make no jewels unless strung together. |
20 |
If he suceeds, man
praises himself; if he fails, he blames his ancestors. |
21 |
Soy beans grow from soy
bean seeds; red beans grow from red bean seeds |
22 |
While the host is
not even thinking of giving the cakes, the guests sip the pickle. |
23 |
To begin is half the
job. |
24 |
First give the malady
and next the remedy. |
25 | He who
steals a needle will become a cow thief. 바늘 도둑이 소 도둑 된다. |
26 |
Though taken by a
tiger, if one gathers his wits, he may live. |
27 | Gold helps those who help themselves. | 하늘은 스스로 돕는 자를 돕는다. |
28 | Necessity is the mother of invention. | 필요는 성공의 어머니. |
29 | Rome wasn't built in a day. | 로마는 하루 아침에 이루어 지지 않는다. |
30 | Where there's a will there's a way. | 뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다. |
31 | You can't have your cake and eat it too. | Cf. 꿩 (pheasant) 먹고 알 먹고. |
32 | Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. | 침소봉대 (針小棒大) 하지 마라. |