Patterns of Korean greetings
1. The tokens used in greeting are related to one's well-being, one's children, one's business, etc.
- 안녕하세요 Annyôngha-se-yo (How are you)? 잘 지내시죠 Call cinae-si-cyo (You are doing all right, aren't you)? 건강하시죠 Kônkangha-si-cyo (You are well, aren't you)?
- 아이들 잘 크죠 Ai-tûl cal khû-cyo (Your children are growing all right, aren't they)?
- 요즘 사업 잘 되시죠 Yocûm saôp cal to-si-cyo (Your business is doing all right these days, isn't it)?
2. Concerning to a private matter:
- 어디 가세요 Ôti ka-se-yo (Where are you going/are you going somewhere)?
- 장 보러 가세요 Cang po-lô ka-se-yo (Are you going a grocery shoppting)?
- 식사하셨어요/밥 먹었니? Siksa-ha-sy-ôss-ô-yo (Have you eaten)?
3. Using flattering expressions
- 아드님이 참 잘 생겼네요 Atû-nim-i cham call saengky(-si)-ôss-ne-yo (Your son is really good looking)!
- 집이 아주 크고 좋네요 Cip-i acu khû-ko coh-ne-yo (Your place is really large and good).
- 어쩌면 그동안 하나도 안 변하셨어요 Ôccômyôn kûtongan hana-to an pyônha-sy-ôss-ô-yo (How come you haven't changed a bit during the while)?
- 아이고, 진수성찬이네요 Aigo, cinsusôngchan-i-ne-yo (Wow, it's a sumptuous feast)/Mwô-l ilôn kô- (ta)l (Why, what is (all) this)?
4. Humble expressions
- 차린 건 없지만 많이 드세요 Chali-n kô-n ôps-ciman mahni tû-se-yo (Enjoy your meal even though I haven't been able to prepare much [Lit. Eat a lot, though I haven't put out muich.]
- 아이고, 별 말씀을. 상 다리가 부러지겠는데요 Aiko, pyôl malssûm-ûl, sang-tali-ka pulôci-kess-nûnte-yo (Oh no, what you are saying. The table legs look like getting broken).
- 이거 변변치 않지만 받으세요 Ikô pyônpyôn-ci anh-ciman pat-ûse-yo (This is just a little thing, but please take it).
- 별 거 아닙니다 Pyôl kô ani-p-ni-ta (It is nothing special).
5. Using neural token
- 날씨가 춥지요 Nalssi-ka chup-ci-yo (It is cold, isn't it)?
- 달이 참 밝지요 Tal-i cham palk-ci-yo (The moon is so bright, isn't it)?
6. Polite refusal
- 꼭 가고 싶지만 선약이 있어서 KKok ka-ko sip-ciman, sônyak-i iss-ôsô . . . (I really want to come, but I have a previous engaement, so . . .).
- 이거 어쩌죠, 선약이 있는데 I-kô ôccô-ci-yo, sônyak-i iss-nûnte (Oh dear, what shall I do, I have a previous engaement, and so . . . )
7. Other-oriented
- 아니 벌써 시간이 이렇게 됐네 Ani pôlssô sikan-i ilôhke twae-ss-ne (Oh dear,how much time has passed by)?
8. Self-oriented
- 제가 선약이 있어서 이만 Ce-ka cônyak-i iss-ôsô, iman (I have a previous engement, so let this just be it).
- 저 이제 아이들이 잘 때가 돼서요 Cô ice aitûl-i cal ttae-ka twa-sô-yo (Well, it's time for my children to go to bed, so . . .)
9. Ostensible promise
- 그럼 우리 언제 같이 술이나 한 잔/점심이나 합시다 Kûlô uli ônce kathi sul-ina han can/cômsim-ina ha-p-si-ta (Then, let's have a drink/lunch some time).
- 기회되면 언제 한 번 봅시다 Kihoe-toe-myôn ônce han pôn pop-si-ta (If an opportunity comes, let us get together some time).
- 언제 한 번 저희 집에 오세요 Ônce han pôn uli cip-e o-se-yo (Come over my place some time).