Cultural values and ideas (if you did not choose it for Essay 2)
Politeness and speech
Address terms
Language and gender
(sexism in language, conversational styles)
The essay should present your own crtical thinking and analysis rather than report from the lecture or other people's writing.
Keep in mind that you
address issues from the two perspectives, a universal or cross-cultural
perspective and a culture-specific perspective.
You should compare Korean
with another language. How are they similar and/or different? What makes the
similarities and differences between the two cultures.
Support your ideas/discussion
with specific examples of language use/practices from Korean and other
Use whatever sources
and resources you can get. Put quotation makers (" . . .") for the words and phrases you take verbatum from other sources than your own. Make sure you cite your sources properly.
Make sure you specify the
year of publication and if possible page numbers: E.g.
White (1987: 245-7). Cite the URL for internet source. The citation of references must be made within the text and the detailed references shoud be listed at the end of the essay.
The essay shoud address
the following:
General issues you
are going to deal with
Previous analyses
or general assumption made about the issues you are dealin gwith
Specify specifically
what phenomena you will be looking at.
Present your critical
thinking or analysis, with specific examples of language use or practices
in the language and culture you are dealing with.
Cultural and/or social
mplications of your finding/analysis
There must be something I should learn from your essay.